Create your greatest 2010
Wishing you a happy, healthy and fulfilling new year!
This year I am excited about the New Year. In fact I am much more enthusiastic than I have been in a very long time. Why? I am looking at this year as a fresh start, a blank slate and a new beginning. It’s not that 2009 was so bad or that I need to put it behind me. Instead I am looking to 2010 as my opportunity for new wishes and experiences.
It’s my chance to dream and imagine my life as I would like to create it. I can paint a picture without limitations; one that engages my strengths and energizes my enthusiasm for my life and career. I can soar in 2010 and visualize the best– the best I can be and the best I can bring to others.
What kind of picture are you painting for the year ahead? Do you find yourself imagining a year of your creation or holding back because of doubt, worry or practicality? What would it cost you to dream a little and ask “Why not?” Remember that nothing has been written yet for 2010. Take the first step in filling the canvass by dreaming about your best year.
Here is one way to get you started. Think of something you’ve always dreamed of doing but have been putting off for years. Follow these three steps to make it come alive:
Step One. Write down your goal
Write it as if it is happening. For example, “I am moving into my dream home”, “I am running a marathon this summer” or “I am taking my ultimate vacation”.
Step Two. Create your experience
For example, if your goal is “I am taking my ultimate vacation”. Do everything you would if you were heading on that vacation.
i) Pick up the trip brochures
ii) Buy the travel books
iii) Choose the sites you want to see and activities you want to do
Step Three. Believe and live your dream as if it is happening
Take your first step in creating more of the life you want. Never forget: “Life is not a dress rehearsal”.
Now I’d like to share some of my dreams and goals with you:
- Meditate Regularly.
I know this doesn’t sound like a dream or very sexy. However meditating is a critical life tool that helps me be who I want to be and create the life I want. It is the key to reconnecting with myself and tapping into my personal power. For meditation benefits check out The Amazing Benefits of Meditation
- Take my business to the next level by providing new ways to deliver Watershed services (e.g. online) and new resources (e.g. books, cds, mp3s). I am energized by this goal because I adore what I do and love helping others. To me there is nothing more rewarding than knowing that someone has less stress or managed a challenge because of one of my workshops or presentations.
- Adopt a child. Having a child is a life long dream. I am now awaiting government approval and then I will start the search for my baby. Exciting and scary all at the same time. Advice is welcome.
Thanks for letting me share me my goals with you. Please email me at if you feel like sharing yours.