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Managing Email Madness – Part One

By Wendy Woods
In October 14, 2010

First off, we’d like to thank all of you who responded to our query regarding workplace stress. In response to your comments, we’d like to help you manage one of your top stresses: email overload. Although most of us have been using email for a number of years, many of us still struggle with managing it effectively, making email overload one of the top workplace stresses. Daily, our inboxes are flooded with a mix of relevant and often not-so-relevant messages, and the task of reading and responding to them can be daunting. Stever Robbins, author of 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More and host of the popular Get-It-Done-Guy podcast, has come up with some strategies for not only managing your own load, but also, some tips on how to become better email senders yourselves. In part one of this two part blog, we’re going to provide you with some techniques for sending email more effectively. Be sure to check back next Thursday for part two, tips to manage your own mountain of mail.

Summarize Your Subject

Often we describe the email we are sending in the subject line, when really, the subject line should summarize what the email is about so that the reader is able to quickly scan their inbox to recognize which messages are relevant and why.

BAD SUBJECT-Deadline Discussion

GOOD SUBJECT– Recommend we ship product April 25th

Copy Carefully

When you copy others into an email, make sure you pointedly reference why this email is relevant and important to everyone you are sending it to and what each person should be taking away from the information provided.


To: Abby Gail, Bill Fold, Cindy Rella

Subject: Web site design draft is done

The Web site draft is done. Check it out in the attached file. The design firm will need our responses by the end of the week.


To: Abby Gail, Bill Fold, Cindy Rella

Subject: Web site design draft is done

AG: DECISION NEEDED. Get marketing to approve the draft

BF: PLEASE VERIFY. Does the slogan capture our branding?

CR: FYI, if we need a redesign, your project will slip.

The Web site draft is done. Check it out in the attached file. The design firm will need our responses by the end of the week.

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